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Categories: Great quotes


Don't worry, ma'am. The fetus's condition is excellent and the heartbeat is regular and strong. I think it will be a male. A beautiful male who carries his father's eyes and your nose. Just come back regularly to check on you. aura. The pain recurs every five minutes. I think the matter does not accept any other explanations. The baby is coming. Let's go. Take a deep breath as I learned. Remove it gently. Push down. Let's go. Hold on tight. Let's go. Moment. He's not breathing and is completely blue. Come, Dr. Essam, and perform suction on this boy. Suction the mucus from his nose and throat and give him some curamin in the umbilical cord. Try again. Let's go. Slap his ass hard. Let's go. Thank God. The howling has begun. He's alive. alive. Come and take it, Insaf, so that her family can see it and give you a tip. Hey, pretty little guy. How are you?. You squeeze my finger hard. Can you really know Daddy? Do you know mama? Your attachment to your mother is unusual. Also, you're really jealous of your father. It seems that Freud's words about the Oedipal complex are indeed accurate. Come on, boys. This is your school. We will raise you and teach you how to submit to society's restrictions and oppression. We will teach you how to become exactly like others, without the slightest difference. Egypt is a great country with fresh air and beautiful scenery. do not discuss. Don't say that the weather is hot and very humid, and don't tell me that you hate the sight of piles of garbage in the street and all that mud. If you say this, I will slap you. You must say what the book says. The book says that Mubarak was the one who carried out the air strike on Israel. You have to accept this until a corrected letter comes from the Ministry of Education. Do you know why they say (education) and then (education)? This shows you that we prefer morals over science, and the outstanding student with poor manners has no value to us. We'll take the absence now. Let the absent person raise his finger. Ha ha. Very cute joke. It's true that everyone has been saying it since the days of the Pharaohs, but you will laugh and laugh a lot. There will be no gaming session. The curriculum is large and time is limited. At this time we will study percentages. I don't know why kids love these silly things like running and throwing a ball. Children are filthy, disfigured creatures who should be flogged with whips. Here you are in middle school. Here you will learn how to become men. Smell of cigarettes? So you smoke in the bathroom. I will make you suffer. Let's talk as friends. What happened to you yesterday while you were sleeping happens to all boys and indicates that you have become a man and are responsible for your actions. Now you are at the age of jurisprudential accountability. She will love that sensual, impure feeling and try to get it back artificially. If I hear that you tried that, I will roast you alive. I will skin you. Yes we are friends, but I also forget that sometimes and play the role of a strict, predatory father. Concept? these pictures?. Where did you get it from? I would gouge your eyes out if I didn't know where it came from. Poetry?. Do you like?. Why do you sigh all the time and look at the horizon? Maybe you don't like a certain girl, but you like love. But you should stop listening to these lame songs all day long. It will make us deaf. Welcome to high school. aura. Change the channel. We have two teenage sons and they should not be hearing or watching these things. But - between you and me - these two girls are really tempting. Where do they get the girls who appear in the video clip? They must be from Venus. Here you can only find well-known features. It is enough that you are the most beautiful female I have ever known in my life. Imagine! Hey. Are you fighting with your brother again because of this damned shirt? I'll relieve you both and tear it apart with scissors. By the way, the neighbor's daughter is complaining about the love letters that fly onto her balcony tied to a clothespin. That's why your mother can no longer hang out the laundry. What a pig you are. Fortunately she told your mother and your mother told me. If she had started telling her father, he would have come with a kitchen knife, and I would have confronted him with the screwdriver. One of us would lie in the morgue and the other in prison. Control your hormones a little, animal. There should be a big difference between you and the bull designated for fertilization. This is high school. There's no more kidding. You must achieve a high score. Not a high result, but a result worthy of Greek mythology. All your colleagues will achieve 100%, which means that your only hope is to achieve 101%, otherwise you will spend your life selling pine needles on buses. What a disaster! 91%. This is a disaster. This sum was legendary in our time but now it indicates that you are mentally retarded. I think the only thing left for you to do is drink alcohol, smoke drugs, and sleep in alleys. Another course? What is the meaning of this?. We have ended the nightmare of high school, and then another nightmare begins. Will Ghada get married? You must be kidding. I give you the allowance, should I give it to you both? Congratulations, son. I finally graduated. This is a really happy moment. Why do you come back every night at two in the morning? Your eyes are red and your breathing is heavy. Do you think I didn't guess? She spends all night with the bad group and uses drugs and hashish. I didn't say anything to your father so that his health would not deteriorate. But how if he knew? I know that emptiness is deadly and that you do not know how to spend your time, but marijuana is not the only solution. Hey? Want to apply for this job? Do you have a recommendation card? no?. Then leave your address and we will contact you. I don't know why an ambitious young man like you works to sell detergents and pass them around houses, but as long as this is your choice. You can't drive this taxi. I broke the assistants again. It is clear that you have no sympathy for this car because it is not your car. The salary is low, but at least it is a profession. A profession that has a salary. Nobody ever finds a job these days. I knew from your eyes that you loved me. Trust that I love you exactly like Hisham, my brother. The same goat. If I wanted to get married, I would not have found someone better than you, but I am not thinking about getting engaged today. Sorry, son, but my daughter is no less worthy than her cousin. You are unable to provide a respectable network and your apartment is a new rental. Honestly, I don't see any hope for you. Listen, my friend. When you frequent this house, you should see the girl clearly in bright light. Secret diseases are transmitted very easily if you are not careful. Imagine telling your father that you have syphilis, for example? You no longer come to this house. Did your conscience suddenly clear or did you finally decide to get married? Survival belongs to God. Your father was a good brother to us in the Irrigation Authority. We missed him so much, but blessings be upon you and your brother. We want to rejoice in your children. Congrats. With prosperity and children, God willing. Your cousin Aziza will be a good wife, God willing. I know she's not pretty and she looks exactly like Ismail Yassin, but marriage isn't based on things like that. What's wrong with you? You come home exhausted, sleep like a dead man, and we don't exchange ten words. Did I get married to talk to myself? between me and you. This amount is a kind of appreciation for your great services. Do not consider it anything else and do not talk about bribery, God forbid. You know (love one another). You are a good brother and I have been comfortable with you from the first moment. What I want is to visit you at your home. You set the time and day. And of course you promised to solve this land problem. This has nothing to do with my visit to you, believe me. They told me that you have the solution. And so I thought I would visit you as an expression of love. You will undergo a medical examination at that hospital in Mohandiseen, and then return to the office to complete the visa procedures. Tickets are ready. Try to perform Hajj at all. This is an opportunity that may not be repeated. There is one dormitory for singles, but 12 Egyptians share it. Do you agree?. Five years in exile, and two years ago she did not return to Egypt. Are you sure you are ok? What about your son Mahmoud? He is at a critical age. The sponsor has terminated your contract. You'll have to sort everything out here quickly. You sent me 180 thousand pounds to put it on the stock market for you. Unfortunately, we do not understand these matters and are not good at dealing with them, which is why the amount fell to 13 thousand pounds. I suggest you stick around because there's no bottom after this. Most likely the next move will be up. Try to hold yourself together. Life is not all about profit. Then greed is what motivated you in the first place, and you could have been content with what you had of reasonable profit. Unfortunately. The stock market is a giant whale with no hope for the small fish in its midst. I checked all your tests. You have active hepatitis C infection. Active means that it is currently destroying the liver, but using interferon is not suitable for you. For this reason, we will content ourselves with monitoring you and using the yellow pill and antioxidants. We will monitor the liver so that cancer does not occur without us knowing. Thank you, dad. I am very happy that I married Marwa, my classmate. These are the happiest moments of my life. Thank you, Baba, for helping me divorce Marwa. I was deluded and naive. She is one of the dirtiest, most aggressive, bullying, and greediest women. It seems that less marriage is better. are you OK?. Why does sweat fill your forehead and you lose consciousness? do not die. Please stay with us. We need you. Moment. He's not breathing and is completely blue. Try artificial respiration, Dr. Essam. Useless. Syrian. God has passed away. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. (Finally there was silence.) Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, noise article published on: March 1, 2013
Categories: Great quotes
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